A Radical Stitch
a nonfiction film by Susanne Cockrell and Jeanne C. Finley

In the face of wildfire, mining and logging, a radical back-to-the-land community in the Sierra Foothills races to collectively stitch 50 years of innovative sustainability into an epic 100-foot tapestry, one tiny stitch at a time.


The radical San Juan Ridge back-to-the-land community in the Sierra Foothills has survived countless threats during its 50-year history including mining, logging and arson.  Established by artists, ecologists and renowned poet Gary Snyder, they now face the most monumental challenge to date – wildfire and drought caused by climate change during a time of national social upheaval. For 14 years three women and hundreds of volunteers have painstakingly documented the community’s struggles and celebrations by stitching an epic 100-foot tapestry. A Radical Stitch examines this community’s complex history, current challenges and its possible futures during this uncertain moment as the community races to complete the tapestry and find a secure, fire-safe home for this stunning record of community activism and land stewardship. 

Project/Exhibition dates

Currently in production Anticipated completion 2024